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Malaysia Online Business Channel

How to i call or SMS to Singapore Number start from 02-XXXX

In the past year and history, Malaysia and Singapore have shared close ties that calling across the border was as easy as making a phone call easily. 
According to TM, calls to Singapore using the 02 access code will be realigned to the international access code of 0065 effective 16 May 2017. That means if you’re calling from Malaysia mobile or any landline device, you’ll need to dial 0065XXXX ( with IDD prefix ) instead of directly dial the 02-XXXXXXXX. if you are sending an SMS to the Singapore friend or customer phone. 65XXXX.. ( replace the 02XXX to 65XXX ) is the only format for you to input and send the SMS.
This new arrangement comes from our local MCMC and it is likely that all operators need to comply with it.
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