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Social Network "Facebook"

Social network "Facebook"
Don't forget social network is a very powerful platform that can help to promote your products and push your sales. You just need to create a fan page. It is easy and free of charge. No any programing knowledge are needed! I am pretty sure you already have enough knowledge to upload product pictures and product information.

Everybody is an expert in social network !
-Add friend to your social list.
-Check-in the places you go.
-Post what is your dinner or whom you are with.
-Comment and reply the Facebook users' posts.
-Share pictures or videod you think is funny or there are somethings you wish your friend to know.
This are all the activitivies you do all the time.

For online fan page. It is the same.
-Add & invite friends to your page fan list.
-Post your latest new product pictures with product information.
-Reply comments or questiond for your page fans
-Tag the products you think might be interesting to your group of fans
Keep doing all these activities to ensure that your page is active everyday.

Now you still think it is a impossible mission or it is some kinds of difficult work to you?
Your mind is getting to change?
Can't wait to create your own page?

Here are some basic rules that you have to follow, I have organized and listed down as below:
1. Name of your page.
The name of your page is crucial. Don't try to use or steal the same name as the other companies. You might be able to use it for a while, but once you are reported to Facebook admin, your page maybe will be blocked for using or closed down. You can not continue your page if you can not be able show any documents or information to prove or explain why you used the same name.

2. Inviting friends or tagging friends.
All fan pages are under the administration of the same admin. You can not just add or invite many people at the same time, if it is not related to your page fans. If the rate of being rejected or disagree is too high (more than around 5 each day.),  you page will be blocked too. You gae will be bloack for few days or can not be activated anymore. The best way to invite friends is to attract Facebook users to become your friends if they are really interested in your products or information. You can not just simply tag every friend the photos you posted. I sometimes see some page tag male users woman's accessory photos . Please be rational. Your are looking for potential customers, do not care too much on the numbers of tagging friends. Personally, I hate this type of activity. I normally block and never support the page anymore.

3. Reasonable activities
Reasonable number of posts in your fans page is always suggested. You post too many of not useful post would not help your page to make money. If you don't limit your post activities, you fan might annoy your page and sooon they will leave your page.
Around 3~5 photo posted or infomation uploaded each day is suggested.

4. Feedback
Friends usually ask questions on your products. You can check it in the comment box. You are looking for business opportunity here, People who are interested on you products will ask questions. This is why you have to answer every question asked. If you get good comments you have to thank the friends who left it. If you get bad comment, you have to show your attention to it or react to it, you can not just ignore it. Both good and bad comments are important to your business.

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